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The condition column helps in the showing the working when evaluating the conditions. The input/output column helps in showing the inputs and outputs, and helps in evaluating the input received by the user and the output displayed by the logic. The column for variables helps in evaluating the calculations using variables. The programmer/designer/tester starts with some possible inputs and walks through the algorithm line by line. The lines are assigned line numbers and proceed with each one taking into account the change in values for variables.

definition of desk checking

The following example shows desk checking involving selection using a linear nested IF-ELSEs. The following example shows desk checking involving selection using an IF-ELSE. The following example shows desk checking involving selection using an IF. It does not involve use of a computer, rather a person is responsible to carry out the desk check. The desk checker observes and analyses the logic behind the algorithm.

Desk-check Definition

Desk checks are useful to check an algorithm thereby confirming that the algorithm works as expected and saves time possibly writing a program that doesn’t do what was intended. The following example shows desk checking involving selection using a non-linear nested IF-ELSEs. As the algorithm is executed, conditions are evaluated and the details are recorded in the column.

definition of desk checking

Developers may desk check their code before releasing a software program to make sure the algorithms are functioning efficiently and correctly. While desk checking is useful for uncovering logic errors and other issues within a program’s source code, it is time-consuming and subject to human error. Therefore, an IDE or debugging tool is better suited for detecting small problems, such as syntax errors. The desk checker carefully follows the algorithm being careful to rigidly adhere to the logic specified. It is the duty of the designer/programmer to make sure to have traversed through all possible paths of the logic and make use of every data set that is required.

Meaning of check-in desk in English

Although a useful technique for spotting errors, modern debugging applications and tools have made desk checks less relevant and not as essential as they previously were. The use of the phrases to ‘check in’ or ‘check out’ in relation to a hotel and other things, such as library books, dates back to at least 1909. ‘Check up,’ on the other hand, which is related to the meaning of ‘checking in’ refers to communicating for a status update, dates back to 1883. Desk checking is the process of manually reviewing the source code of a program. It involves reading through the functions within the code and manually testing them, often with multiple input values.

Desk check is usually performed as different columns in a table indicating the variables, conditions or results. Here is an example given for the algorithm designed to compare the values of two integers and then desk check it using a table. You can usually understand which meaning is implied by the phrase ‘checking in’ or ‘check in’ depending on its context. Desk checking is a manual technique for checking the logic of an algorithm.

When you are ready to check in the table saw you are renting, you simply have to bring it back to the front desk. Test Data This step is to check the output of the actual code. Techopedia™ is your go-to tech source for professional IT insight and inspiration. We aim to be a site that isn’t trying to be the first to break news stories, but instead help you better understand technology and — we hope — make better decisions as a result.

The goal of is to explain computer terminology in a way that is easy to understand. It even has a definition specific to the sport of falconry– when a hawk forsakes its proper game and instead follows other birds. The desk sits over a treadmill definition of desk checking and allows a person to exercise and work simultaneously. A large queue of muchachas — mostly in their late teens and early twenties — continues to check in at the registration desk. A description of an algorithm similar to a computer language.

This is used whenever a condition is evaluated – IF WHILE or FOR statements all have explicit or implicit conditions. As the programmer writes the code/algorithm on his own, he can check if there is any issue or not, and fix the same before the project moves on to the later stages. Website contains over terms with easy-to-understand definitions in multi languages. Desk checks are useful to check an algorithm thereby confirming that the algorithm works as expected and saves time possibly writing a program that doesn’t do what was intended.

The columns should be in alphabetical order on variable name with the variable name at the top of the column. As the algorithm is executed, the new values of the variables are put in the appropriate column. E.g. the variable column heading discount Pricecould be used rather than the actual variable name discountPrice.

Overview of Desk Checking Algorithm

Assessment of supervisory and control systems Financial circuits and ex-ante desk checks on procurement contracts 10.20. It makes desk checks of the closure documentation submitted by the Member States for all programmes. The Commission has also identified weaknesses in its desk checks and on-the-spot audits. The Commission carried out desk checks that provided sufficient information for lifting the specific reservations mentioned. It is non-computerized process of checking the logic of an algorithm before its implementation as a program code.

  • A test of an algorithm by a human , who runs through its operations in sequence to verify the result .
  • Input-output field checks whether the input given by the user is logical and the output displayed by the code is performed according to the logic.
  • The word in the example sentence does not match the entry word.
  • He reached for one of the overturned papers on his desk, checked it, offered it to me.
  • We aim to be a site that isn’t trying to be the first to break news stories, but instead help you better understand technology and — we hope — make better decisions as a result.

A Desk Check concentrates on the value of variables and the logic i.e. what is the value of variable xafter statement n; what is the next statement to be executed? A Test Plan focuses on the values of inputs and outputs required to test a program without concern for the internal workings i.e. are the results correct for the inputs?. The term “desk checking” refers to the manual approach of reviewing source code , rather than running it through a debugger or another automated process. In some cases, a programmer may even use a pencil and paper to record the process and output of functions within a program. For example, the developer may track the value of one or more variables in a function from beginning to end.

Table columns in desk checking

A test of an algorithm by a human , who runs through its operations in sequence to verify the result . The word in the example sentence does not match the entry word. When a subroutine is called, execution goes from the calling line (subroutine call e.g. line 3 in this example) to the first line in the subroutine (e.g. line 6).

Desk checking enables developers to proceed in a very systematic manner, in terms of coding. This technique eliminates the chances of erroneous code as proper review is done to analyse the problem and therefore offer the best solution for a given problem. Desk checking is an informal manual test that programmers can use to verify coding and algorithm logic before a program launch. Pseudo code is tested by passing the sample test values for the variables or conditions used in the code to analyze their correctness. Normally portrait page layout would be used for the desk check, however if the table is too wide, landscape layout may be used.

definition of desk checking

Add check-in desk to one of your lists below, or create a new one. If the condition is False, execution jump from the IF to the ELSE, and the lines from the ELSE to the ENDIF are executed. Many jobs in manual labor have shrunken in proportion to the size of the population, replaced by desk jobs.

We aim to be a site that isn’t trying to be the first to break news stories, but instead help you better understand technology and — we hope — make better decisions as a result. Program execution loops from the ENDWHILE line, back to the WHILE line. More examples An angry passenger was swearing at the poor girl behind the check-in desk. Desk checks have been carried out on the Article 8 declarations received during the second half of 2002. To grovel over hardcopy of source code, mentally simulating the control flow; a method of catching bugs. No longer common practice in this age of on-screen editing, fast compiles, and sophisticated debuggers – though some maintain stoutly that it ought to be.

desk noun

An experienced programmer also tends to make mistakes, so desk checking is a way to take precaution in that regard. It is also helpful to have more than one developer desk check a program to reduce the likelihood of overlooking errors in the source code. A desk check is an informal non-computerized or manual process for verifying the programming and logic of an algorithm before the program is launched. A desk check helps programmers to find bugs and errors which would prevent the application from functioning properly.


The evaluation is usually done with the help of pen/pencil and paper, and is similar to proofreading. These detailed ex-ante desk checks involve requesting and examining supporting documentation. Input-Output column displays the input value given by the user and the output result given by the program. The above algorithm displays the result as ‘a is greater’ and it is defined in the table as well. It is non-computerized definition of desk checking process of checking the logic of an algorithm before its implementation as a program code. Lets see an example to understand each step of desk checking.

This is quite different from a test plan, which does not focus on the internal workings and logic, and rather mostly focuses on inputs and outputs required by the application. A desk check is performed with the help of a table with columns for pseudo-code line number column, condition column, input/output column and a column for variables. The pseudo-code line number column helps in specifying the line or lines being executed.

The person performing the desk check effectively acts as the computer, using pen and paper to record results. The term ”desk checking” refers to the manual approach of reviewing source code , rather than running it through a debugger or another automated process. Manually going through the code line-by-line may help a programmer catch improper logic or inefficiencies that a software debugger would not. The following example shows desk checking involving sequence, selection and iteration . The following example shows desk checking involving sequence, executing instructions one after the other. This is the right place where you will get the proper information.

Manually checking each line of an algorithm may help a developer to look for inadequacies that an automatic debugger won’t find. is a leading authority on technology, delivering lab-based, independent reviews of the latest products and services. Our expert industry analysis and practical solutions help you make better buying decisions and get more from technology. A large queue of muchachas — mostly in their late teens and early twenties — continues to check in at the registration desk. The e in the British Medieval Latin forms appears to show influence of the Romance outcome of discus, for which see the note at dish entry 1.

Phrases Containing desk

The variable column will get the value of variables used and condition column identifies the number of conditions applied on the variables are correct or not. Input-output field checks whether the input given by the user is logical and the output displayed by the code is performed according to the logic. Desk checking is similar to proofreading where all checking is being done with a pen and a paper and converting the lines of an algorithm to a table. A desk check focuses on the logic and value of the variables.

The person performing the desk check effectively acts as the … The following example shows desk checking involving subroutines. We strive for simplicity and accuracy with every definition we publish. If you have feedback about the Desk Checking definition or would like to suggest a new technical term, please contact us. As a security precaution, they are asking people to check in their personal items, including things like keys, wallets, and pocket knives.

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